• 24. 10. 2008
pondelok 3.11.2008, Žilina – Smerr Pub 19:30 – 200 (ticketportal) / 250SK (na mieste)
LOWBROW (USA) old school death metal, BLOODWRIATH (BEL) death/black metal,
REQUIEM (SUI) death metal
11. november (utorok) Žilina – Smerr Pub 19:30 – 200 (ticketportal) / 250SK (na mieste)
HELHEIM (NOR) (Viking / Black Metal), VULTURE INDUSTRIES (NOR) (Avant-garde Metal),
ATROX (NOR) (Avant-garde Metal)
• 25. 09. 2008
SLOVAK DEATHFEST V. 04.10.2008 – Žilina (Kozel Pub)
16:00 – 250 / 300 SKK (ženy zdarma)
LENG TCH'E (Grindcore – Belgicko), INZEST (Deathcore – Rakúsko), GRIND INC. (Brutal Death Metal / Grind – Nemecko), SANATORIUM (Brutal Guttural Sickness), TYPHOID (Brutal Death Metal), …
• 03. 06. 2008
Sorry sickos for long delay with no updates... we work on our myspace profile mostly last few months, so most of the communication and news is available at www.myspace.com/sanatorium... so, jump on on some short news... all gigs so far went well, so we have to thanx to all fans for great support!!! Last gigs before summer will take place in Slovakia, so check out tour section again... recording of new material for split with Extinctionst finally started early May, so we hope to finish it during June...
Po dlhom tichu sú tu opäť nejaké novinky a dátumy koncertov, posledné 4 akcie sa udejú pred letom na Slovensku, pozri do tour sekcie... chceli by sme takto hromadne poďakovať ľuďom, čo prišli pozrieť a podporiť, scéna už veru nie je čo bývala, ale tak všetko sa mení a do budúcnosti koncertovanie na Slovensku bude ako v minulosti opäť sporadické... nahrávanie materiálu na splitko s nemeckými Extinctionist už začalo, dúfame že v priebehu júna bude všetko dokončené... ešte jedna dôležitá informácie, APOCALYPSE DEATHFEST II., ktorý bude 12.6. za účasti veličín ako Cryptopsy, Decrepit Birth, Unmerciful, bol z technických príčin preložený do Trenčína, Piano Club, viac info na www.apocalypse.sk alebo www.myspace.com/ apocalypsebooking. Zdravíme a pekné leto, keep it brutal!!!
• 23. 03. 2008 New concerts added!!! We would like to thank people for great support last weekend in Germany!!! Both shows, Cottbus and Dresden, went out great and we really had great times and fun!!! Cheers to promoters, bands and especially fans!!! See you soon around!!!
• 12. 02. 2008
All the best in new year, finally some small update of website, especially tour section... we are playing this spring weekend tour around Slovakia with Hate Myself, all dates are in tour section and more will be added. Our first 2 gigs in 2008 with Napalm Death/Ingrowing/Uprise were great, both gigs were sold out completely so we would like to thanx all people for their support!!! Some more foreign gigs come out soon hopefully too... stay sick and brutal!
• 20. 12. 2007
SANATORIUM would like to say big THANX to all fans supported us during 2007 on our gigs and tours around, see you all in 2008 somewhere!!! All the best in upcomming new year... more gigs and new merch will be available and finally we will release new musick... split CD with German Extinctionist and 5th full lenght album!!!
• 13. 10. 2007
We are touring with ABYSMAL TORMENT, so check the tour section for some new dates…
• 03. 09. 2007
SANATORIUM prepares new dates in Europe and several tours till the end of this year... we will tour in Russia in September and October/November European tour with Abysmal Torment. Check out tour dates. New album "Slavery" is gonna be finished in September 17-21 in studio in Munchen. Also we prepare new merchandise: T-shirts and new hoodie. All stuff will be available on forthcomming dates. Also, Coyote Records from Russia will release CD with our 2 albums "Celebration of exhumation" and "Internal womb cannibalism" on 1 CD with "Fetus rape" video like bonus. It will be pressed in 1000 copies.
• 22. 05. 2007
Last weekend we played at Fuck The Commerce festival in Germany and we would like to thanx to all people and organiser for a great weekend!!! It was sick as fuck!!!
Some new dates are in tour section… we will play in July at Kaltenbach Open Air in Austria, some band cancelled so we are very happy that organisers invited us instead of them!!! We are looking forward!!! So, see you there… We are currently booking short tour with Waco Jesus from USA, it will take place betweek Obscene and Kaltenbach Open Air. If you are interested to book us, write to sanatorium@forensickmusic.com !!!
• 01. 05. 2007
New concert in May will take place in Poland, Krakow city, we will play at metal show of Tattoo festival in place called ROTUNDA.
After May shows we will concentrate out time and power to finish "Slavery" album. During the summer we will probably play at Malta with mighty Abysmal Torment and other bands... we will inform very soon about details.!!!
• 26. 02. 2007
New dates!!! We are confirmed to play couple of shows in followign months, and we got confirmed to play this year FUCK THE COMMERCE open air festival!!! We would like to thanx to all sickos who visited our shows in Wien, Zvolen and Tatabanya... thanx for support!!! See you somewhere around soon!!!
• 07. 02. 2007
Finally, we have added some pictures from our Baltic Tour 2006. Check the Media section.
• 01. 01. 2007
SANATORIUM would like to thank all fans for great support during 2006!!! Also we would like to thank all people who supported us on tour latesttour in Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania, we really had a good tiems and a lot of fun!!! See you on stage in 2007. Our first shows are announced in tour section. We will finish work on new album "Slavery" during January and hope itwill be out till Summer 2007.
All the best in a new year and keep it fucking brutal!!!
• 06. 12. 2006
Our Baltic tour dates were changed. Unfortunately Lithuanian dates for December 8 and 9 were cancelled, but we have 1 date in Lithuania - Vilnius, for December 17. See tour dates section. We wil ltake with us our full merchandise, T-shirts, patches, caps, beanies, hoodies... so support us at shows and see all sickos from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland in a few days!!!
• 01. 12. 2006
Z dôvodu onemocnenia bicmana SANATORIUM ruší 2 víkendové koncerty, ktoré sa mali uskutočniť v piatok 1.12. v Bánovciach Nad Bebravou a v sobotu v Brezne. Koncert v Brezne je zrušený úplne a akcia v Bánovciach by mala prebehnúť s náhradnými kapelami (skupiny Attack of Rage, Moonfog, Torment samozrejme ostávajú v programe večera). Členovia skupiny sa za tieto nepríjemnosti veľmi ospravedlňujú, ale žiaľ zdraviu človek nerozkáže a neoplatí sa riskovať, že by bicman Miro tieto 2 koncerty odohral tesne pred plánovaným tour v Litve, Estónsku, Lotyšsku a Fínsku a zhoršil si už zlý zdravotný stav... Obe akcie sa Sanatorium pokúsi odohrať začiatkom roku 2007 a vynahradiť tak túto neúčasť... nadávky a nenávistné komentáre smerujte do messageboardu na www.sanatorium.nfo.sk
forensick promo department
• 14. 11. 2006
Two more dates for december in Slovakia...
• 10. 11. 2006
One date in our Baltic tour was changed... We will play on 10. 12. 2006 in Tallinn (Estonia).
• 25. 10. 2006
Thanx fucking lot to killer support at SLOVAK DEATHFEST III. It was a pleasure to play again at home city after 1 year!!! News dates are in tour section, also we have available some new merchandise, please check out webstore at www.forensickmusic.com, new zip hoodie will be available this week, patch with our logo etc. Also "Fetus rape" white shirts are available again from forensickmusic.com!!!
We are currently negotationg last details about tour in Baltic States and Finland from 8.12. till 17.12., all tour dates will be annouced very soon!!!. These gigs will be the last one for 2006.
• 04. 10. 2006
SANATORIUM HAVE TO CANCEL TOUR IN RUSSIA & UKRAINE: We are very sorry but we have to cancel our tour in Ukraine and Russia due to some organisation problems. We do not want to spread any shit about any of the organisers, but we were working on this tour from April 2006... almost half a year... unfortunately due to lack of communication and respect the tour was not booked on 100% professional way, so we decided to move it to Spring 2007. It will be all organised by Vitaly from Mortem/Moscow, Ukraine part of the tour by other agency, not Mental Demise. I hope it will work out and we will come to ex-USSR to spread our sickness. Anybody interested to help with a booking of shows could contact us and we will forward it to main promoter. Thanx! We are really sorry especially that we were looking forward to our fans over there, but we promise to come there in 2007!!!
• 10. 09. 2006
First dates of our upcoming tour in Ukraine and Russia were announced. Stay tuned on our "Tour" page to check the dates...
• 04. 09. 2006
SANATORIUM will play on this Saturday - September 9th at Budapest again!!! We are back after successfull UNDEAD Festival in Hungary again!!! Niekoľko nových koncertov pribudlo do sekcie koncerty, napr. akcie v Rajci a Martine!!!
• 14. 08. 2006
We would like to say "BIG FUCKING THANX" to all people who supported us at Brutal Assault festival last weekend!!!
We are working on a new album which will be recorded in Autumn 2006 and will be entitled "Slavery". Lyrics will be written by Uffe from Sweden again.
We have some concerts update... our shows in Stettin/Poland on Friday August 18 is cancelled, we are sorry, but it is not our mistake, organiser wrote us a week ago that he has to cancel it due to problems with PA... hope we will return to Poland soon. Also gig in Augsburg on November 1st is cancelled.
Some new dates could be seen at tour section. We are waiting for dates for our tour in Ukraine and Russia which should be from September 29 till October 15. We are looking forward already!!!
• 14. 06. 2006
Check our tour section for some fresh dates...
• 07. 06. 2006
Another great weekend tour behind us... we would like to thanx all organisers of our 3 last shows in Budapest, Sombor and Skopje... we had really good times!!! It was for the first time we played in countries like Serbia and Macedonia and it went great... Special thanx to all sick brutal death metal fans!!!
• 30. 05. 2006
We will play the last minute gig in Sombor - Serbia (03. 06. 2006)...
• 25. 05. 2006
Check out some brand new dates...
• 17. 05. 2006
Great weekend... big fucking THANX to promoters of 3 weekend shows - Adrian/Louny (CZ), Ruud and Leon (Neurotic Deathfest) and Carla (Heerenveen). We had really good time and special thanx to all sick death metal fans for their support!!! C U soon!!!
• 10. 05. 2006
Check out some fresh new dates...
• 30. 03. 2006
Two dates for June 2006 were added
• 11. 03. 2006
Two more gigs were added to the tour section...
• 08. 03. 2006
We have added MERCHANDISE section... so you can buy our t-shirt or hoodie and support your favourite band :-)
• 03. 03. 2006
Check out our first official video "Fetus Rape"! Visit the media section...
• 03. 02. 2006
New gig: May 13th Eindhoven - Dynamo club - Neurotic Deathfest
Gorerotted (United Kingdom), Psycroptic (Australia), Disavowed (Netherlands), Prostitute Disfigurement (Netherlands), Arsebreed (Netherlands), Avulsed (Spain), Insidious Decrepancy (United States), Infected Malignity (Japan), Godless Truth (Czech Republic), Vomit The soul (Italy), Emeth (Belgium), Mental Horror (Brasil)
• 26. 01. 2006
Dnes ráno prepustili Martina z vyšetrovacej väzby.... celkom pekný darček k 30-tim narodeninám... :-) Zbytok procesu by mal prebehnúť na slobode.
• 07. 01. 2006
Ako strávil Martin sviatky vo vyšetrovacej väzbe sa môžete dočítať tu.
• Ako istotne mnohí z vás vedia, Martin sa momentálne nachádza vo vyšetrovacej väzbe v Žiline. Oceníme, ak mu napíšete pár riadkov podpory na túto adresu:
Martin Belobrad, nar. 27. 01. 1976
Ústav na výkon väzby
Poštový priečinok 5A
Hlboká cesta 21
010 24 Žilina
... ak je to vo vašich silách a možnostiach pridajte aj známku v hodnote 9 Sk na list s odpoveďou... vďaka!
O prípadných novinkách v jeho prípade vás budeme podľa možností informovať.
• 17. 11. 2005
Sanatorium have to cancel gigs in Malleray (Ch) and in Wels (A) due to serious personal circumstaces. Our apologies goes to promoters and of course to our fans.
• 14. 11. 2005
Štvrtok/Thursday 05. 01. 2006 LEOPOLDOV (SK) - Kino Osveta
• Začiatok/from:
• Vstup/entry fee: 250 SK predpredaj/pre-sale, 300 SK na mieste/at place
• Profi sound + super svetlá predaj UG materiálov od FORENSICK MUSIC + jedlo/pitie, po skončení brutal after party v pube PRANIER
• Info: www.craniotomy.szm.sk • www.forensickmusic.com
• Predpredaj/Pre-sale: www.ticketportal.sk • www.eventim.sk
• 07. 11. 05
Koncert Mortician / Ackercocke / Blood Red Throne / Sanatorium je presunutý do BABYLON CLUB-u v Bratislave!
Concert Mortician / Ackercocke / Blood Red Throne / Sanatorium is moved due to problems to BABYLON CLUB in Bratislava!
• 31. 10. 05
have brand new t-shirt with "Anti Agro Metal" motive on back and with modified Sanatorium logo on front - a must for true headbangers :). Available through Forensick online shop.
• 05. 10. 05
Review of our Celebration of Exhumation from Metalopolis.net (in Slovak) was added together with inetrview and review of show in Hannover (May 2005) from Metallerium.com (in Spanish) were added to the media section. So check it out!
• 01. 10. 05
Concert of MORTAL DECAY and co. is CANCELLED!!!! Koncert MORTAL DECAY v TRENCINE 3.10. je zruseny!!!! Zruseny je komplet cely zvysok tour!!!
• 29. 09. 05
SANATORIUM starts to work on a new, yet untitled, album, which should be out early Spring 2006. We have 3 new songs already and we are practising a lot with new line up. During the autumn 2005 we will play couple of shows, see tour section.
• 18. 09. 05
Two brand new dates were added... (03. 10. - Trencin (SK), 15. 10. - Nitra (SK)
• 08. 09. 05
Gallery from our summer gigs in Switzerland and Germany was uploaded and also the rest of the line up was successfully filled. So, welcome Damian, our new guitar player and Miro (drums).
• 04. 09. 05
The list of distributors of our stuff was added. It is available through discography page.
• 22. 08. 05
Few dates for october 2005 were added to our tour section, so check them out...
• 18. 08. 05
SANATORIUM plays this weekend 2 shows in Switzerland and Germany with new drummer, so we are looking forward to see you sick fucks around!!! Keep it fucking brutal.
First Slovaka show with new drummer will take place on August 27 in Spisska Nova Ves with our bros from Craniotomy and Abortion!!!
• 07. 08. 05
Welcome to the redesigned official Sanatorium homepage! Enjoy it!
• 03. 08. 05
We are very sorry but we are forced to cancel our appearance on MHM festival in Ukraine this weekend due to problems with our drummer (now ex-drummer of corpse). We apologise to all fans, friends and organisers, we promise you to be there next year!!! We will play next confirmed shows in Switzerland and Germany with a new drummer!!! Sanatorium new website will be online this week!!! New design and more... ready??? Check out Sanatorium at myspace.com... just click www.myspace.com/sanatorium and become our friend!!!